Like cities and communities all around the world, more people than ever in Kansas City are embracing biking and walking as ways to get exercise, interact with family and friends, and maintain safe and social outdoor activities during the COVID-19 pandemic. BikeWalkKC is pleased to welcome all who are discovering or rediscovering the joys and convenience walking and riding a bike. We invite you to join us as we work for more places for people on bikes and on foot, regardless of your age, experience, or where in the metro you reside.
Our Impact
BikeWalkKC's mission is to redefine our streets as places for people to build a culture of active living.
Our 2020 Community Supporters to-date
BikeWalkKC is a 501c3 tax-exempt nonprofit organization (EIN #45-3832438). Contributions are deductible for income tax purposes to the extent allowed by law. For information about supporting BikeWalkKC through donor-advised funds and/or about BikeWalkKC's Sustaining Fund at the Greater Kansas City Community Foundation, please click here.