Support BikeWalkKC with an employer match or United Way pledge

Employer Matches
Does your employer match charitable donations? If so, you can double your support of BikeWalkKC’s advocacy and education programs.

Direct your corporate match to:
1106 E. 30th Street, Suite G
Kansas City, MO 64109
Federal Tax ID #45-3832438

Click here to learn about supporting BikeWalkKC via Donor-Advised Funds, and BikeWalkKC’s Sustaining Fund at the Greater Kansas City Community Foundation.

Greater Kansas City Community Foundation

United Way Designated Gifts
lu_uw_4p_fulIf you participate in your employer’s annual United Way campaign, you have the option to designate all or part of your pledge to BikeWalkKC.

Three easy steps:

  1. Ask your employer’s United Way Campaign Manager for a “donor-directed contribution form
  2. Use our federal tax ID #45-3832438.
  3. Include the donor-directed form with your regular pledge form.

Learn about BLAST: Kids on Bikes, one of our youth education programs