KCMO Bicycle Demand Analysis

BikeWalkKC assisted the City of Kansas City, Missouri with a demand analysis to identify priority corridors and routes for future bicycle infrastructure investments. Related previous work by the City focused on the development of the BikeKC Design Tool to evaluate appropriate and viable bicycle facility designs based on a variety of factors related to the conditions and constraints of the roadway. While the BikeKC Design Tool identifies solutions once a potential route has been selected, it does not provide guidance on where routes should be located to best serve community needs and provide a functional network.

To answer those questions, BikeWalkKC undertook an analysis of a wide range of criteria, including, population and employment density, topography, equity and mobility challenges, transit, and many other factors. BikeWalkKC has combined unique local datasets with the latest research and best practice demand modeling methodologies to provide a data-driven approach to bicycle infrastructure decisions.

Click here to view the complete demand analysis.

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