Places for People > Resources for Employers

We believe that biking and walking are simple solutions to complex problems of health, transportation, sustainability, and economy. They are also simple solutions for many complex business problems!

Why promote active commuting?

  • Productivity: Exercising before work raises an employee’s productivity by an average of 15%.
  • Health Care Costs: People who regularly ride bikes live on average two years longer than non-cyclists and take 15% fewer days off work through illness.
  • Recruitment and Retention: In a survey of visitors to Portland, OR, 78% said that the city’s bike-friendliness was a factor in their decision to visit there.
  • Bicycling means business!

BikeWalkKC Resources

We offer several resources and programs for your businesses and your employees:

  • Bike/Walk Friendly Business Guide: practical information on how businesses can be more supportive of employees and customers who bike and walk.
  • Confident City Cycling: In-depth training in traffic skills, bike handling, and safety.
  • Bike-Friendly Business: We can help you apply for this popular national designation.
  • Lunch-and-Learn: Quick overview of bike to work basics for your employees – gear, clothes, route planning, safety, Q&A.
  • Bike Parking: We provide free consulting and nonprofit pricing to help you choose the right bike parking solutions for your employees.
  • Contact us at to for more information.

Local Kansas City Resources

  • RideKC Bike: Kansas City's regional bike share program.
  • WAY TO GO: Transportation solutions for employers and workers such as commute assessments, carpool and vanpool matching services, and trip planning. (Formerly known as Rideshare KC)
  • Guaranteed Ride Home: Carpooling or taking transit to work doesn’t mean you’re stranded if an emergency comes up. Sig up for the Guaranteed Ride Home program and get reimbursed for a taxi in case of an emergency or illness — day or night, weekday or weekend.

National Resources

frontpage_businesspartnerSupport regional bike advocacy and education

Kansas City needs forward-thinking business leaders to support biking and walking as simple solutions to complex problems like health, transportation, sustainability and economy.

Tips and Tricks for Encouraging Walking & Biking to Work

  • Prepare your workplace: Showers, secure bike parking and a casual atmosphere (okay to walk around in shorts or bike clothes before/after a ride) go a long way to ensuring that people feel comfortable riding to and from work. Some companies provide repair stands and tools for bike commuters to make quick repairs (BikeWalkKC can help!).
  • Get certified: Let BikeWalkKC help you apply for the national Bike Friendly Business designation.
  • Lead by example: When CEOs or Vice Presidents arrive by bike or on foot, other employees realize it is okay to arrive casual and even a little sweaty.
  • Provide health-related benefits: If your company provides gym memberships or other similar benefits, make sure bike commuters receive a similar benefit. Some companies give an extra hour of vacation leave for everyday an employee bikes, walks, or takes transit to work.
  • Offer Bike Sharing: Companies like Blue KC and the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art provide RideKC Bike hubs on-site and offer annual memberships, giving employees another option for short trips to work or during the work day.
  • Facilitate training and resource sharing: Offer a bicycle commuter lunchtime workshop to go over safety and commute tips, or a walking Sidewalk Audit to review the built environment around your workplace. BikeWalkKC would be happy to discuss hosting a custom workshop with you.
  • Organize Outings: Whether it is informal lunchtime outings, walking meetings, or weekend mountain biking excursions, organizing healthy group activities can get employees more comfortable being active and promote a bike/walk-friendly office culture.
  • Provide the Emergency Ride Home: Many people avoid biking or other alternative commute methods because they fear they will be stuck in case of an emergency or bike failure. Many companies already encourage employees to sign up for WAY TO GO's Guaranteed Ride Home program.
  • Consider a parking "cash out": Do you already cover the cost of employee parking? Consider offering a cash equivalent to bike commuters to opt out of your parking garage.
  • Advocate for more and safer biking and walking options: Become a Business Member of BikeWalkKC to support our work to advocate for better safety, more bike lanes and trails, and new bike share stations.
  • Location, Location, Location: Where you locate your business makes a big difference in how many employees can bike to work. Include criteria like trails, bike lanes, and transit in your site selection process.
  • Have fun!

Did You Know?

KC ranks #43 out of the 51 largest US cities for pedestrian safety.

Support employees who choose green commute options: it's good business!