Move Your Way: Wyandotte County

In 2018, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP) created the Move Your Way campaign to promote the second edition of the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans.

At the local level, Kansas City, Kansas has been selected as a pilot community to promote these campaign updates.  The WYCO Health Department, the Department of Population Health through Univ. of Kansas Medical Center, and BikeWalkKC (BWKC) make up the core campaign team with BWKC serving as the lead facilitator. The project ran from December 2019 to September 2020. 

People need physical activity to stay healthy, but most people can’t do it alone — they need community support to help them be active. That’s where the Move Your Way community campaign comes in!

Our overarching goal was to increase the use of the KCK trail/parks system by promoting and enhancing active living efforts of partner organizations who were already hosting events and programs around physical activity. We wanted to build new community relationships and strengthen existing ones while conducting outreach to our target audience of upper elementary and middle school age youth

Read the ODPHP blog post, Wyandotte County Makes Creative Connections in Move Your Way® Community Campaign at

Watch the audio description version of Tips for Getting Active as a Family on YouTube.

Move Your Way is a service mark of the Department of Health and Human Services. Used with permission. Participation by BikeWalkKC does not imply endorsement by HHS/ODPHP.