Support efforts to bring new sidewalks, bike lanes, and other improvements to Noland Road!
Independence city staff are proposing a project that would bring multimodal improvements to Noland Road. The City Council will be considering whether to move forward with the project on Monday, December 5th at 6pm in the lower level of City Hall (111 E. Maple Avenue). BikeWalkKC is asking for your help to get this project over the finish line!
It’s especially important that you make your voice heard on these improvements. The city’s rules for public comment allows only taxpayers and residents of Independence to speak.
Click here to support Noland Road Complete Streets!
City staff for Independence submitted a successful application for a federal grant to improve Noland Road. The proposed grant covers the stretch of Noland Road from 24 Highway to Fair Street. Some of the key improvements include:
- Upgrading sidewalks to ADA compliance
- Adding and updating push button pedestrian signals
- Improved transit stops
- New bike lanes
Approving this project and moving it forward would be a big step for Independence. Noland Road has long been known as a dangerous street for people to walk, roll, or bike, and these improvements would help to address that. It would also align with broader efforts to strengthen economic development and environmental sustainability.
Your voice is especially needed in support of this project! City rules state that only taxpayers and residents can speak before the Council. That means BikeWalkKC can’t submit comments as an organization in support of this project. That’s where you come in:
- Use this link to send an email to the mayor and councilmembers.
- Come and speak in support of the measure on Monday, December 5th at 6pm at Independence City Hall (111 E. Maple Avenue, on the lower level of City Hall).
- If you go to speak, call the City Clerk’s office (816-325-7010) or sign up in person in the Council Chamber before 6pm.
- Share this with your friends and neighbors and ask them to speak up as well! The more people who show support for this project, the more likely it will be approved.
The proposed new infrastructure is a result of the city’s Complete Streets resolution, which was adopted in 2011. Complete Streets is the idea that regardless of your preferred mode of transportation (walking, rolling, biking, transit, or driving), you should be able to get from one place to another as safely and easily as everyone else. A Complete Streets policy makes this possible by identifying the places and instances where a community’s transportation system should be upgraded to support more users.
This project represents a big opportunity for Independence to improve a key street for people who walk, roll, bike, and use transit. We need your help to make these positive changes happen!