2022 BikeWalkKC Policy Platform: The Second Quarter Update

We’re officially halfway through 2022, a full six months since we shared our policy platform to outline the goals BikeWalkKC set to advocate for better walking, rolling, biking, and transit in KCMO and beyond.

It’s time for another update on where we are with what we set out to achieve. Below is an update on the priorities we identified: 


Improving Walkability – In June, BikeWalkKC worked with MoDOT and community stakeholders to conduct a walk audit of the various crossings along a key portion of the I-70 corridor. The findings from that audit will help to inform MoDOT’s work on multimodal aspects of the project moving forward.

We have also been following efforts related to the city’s sidewalk prioritization plan. Keep an eye out for more information soon.

Vision Zero Action Plan – The Vision Zero Action Plan was completed and adopted by the City Council earlier this month, thanks to your advocacy! Learn more about what the plan means for the city’s efforts to eliminate traffic fatalities and serious injuries.

Scooters and Public Space – Transportation and planning staff from several communities, including KCMO are looking into the issue further, in part because of BikeWalkKC’s advocacy efforts alongside organizations like The Whole Person. We hope to be able to share more information in the coming months.

KC Spirit Playbook + KC Climate Protection and Resiliency Plan – It appears likely that the KC Spirit Playbook will be finalized this year and sent to City Council for approval. In the meantime, the City Council is considering the Climate Protection and Resiliency Plan right now!

Trail Funding – We are still evaluating how best to move forward on this large, complex issue.

NEW: Midtown Complete StreetsWe are continuing to organize supporters for the Midtown Complete Streets plan. Learn more by clicking here, and be on the lookout for a meeting to discuss the topic more in the near future.


Implement Complete Streets – As part of the implementation efforts of the KCK Complete Streets Ordinance, UG staff recently released the first annual report on the UG’s implementation efforts. While the plan doesn’t speak much about projects, it sets a good baseline for evaluating implementation of the ordinance in the months and years to come.


Build Community Advocacy Capacity – In addition to helping people speak up in places like Mission, we also hosted our Advocacy 102 training. 

Future Investments – Through advisory groups such as the MARC Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee, BikeWalkKC has continued to identify projects and other opportunities to support active transportation improvements across the region.

Close the Gap Campaigns – A big thank you to everyone who has used this link to identify additional gaps to close in KCMO and throughout the region. BikeWalkKC staff are looking through the submissions to identify the best candidates for our next “Close the Gap” campaign.

Suburban communities 

Complete Streets Policies – We have continued to respond to inquiries from leaders and advocates in suburban communities about potential Complete Streets policies. We hope to have more to report at the end of the next quarter.

NEW: Pedestrian Improvements in Leawood – For the last couple of months, we have been working with pedestrian advocates in Leawood as they push for safer crossings as well as planning and policy changes to improve the pedestrian experience. We’re happy to share that their efforts were successful!

Statewide – Kansas

Statewide Active Transportation Plan – KDOT recently requested a final round of edits for the plan and have indicated they plan to have it adopted within the next month or so. BikeWalkKC will work with advocates across the state to inform the public and hold the state accountable on implementation measures.

Statewide – Missouri

Distracted Driving Legislation – Members of the statewide coalition have continued to meet with one another to discuss possible legislation and legislative champions for the 2023 session. More details should become available as we move into the fall and winter months this year.

Statewide Active Transportation Plan – BikeWalkKC has continued to work with our partners at Missourians for Responsible Transportation to identify the best path forward for this plan. We hope to share more information in the next quarterly update.


Active Transportation Funding We recently sent a letter to KDOT asking them to detail how they plan to implement active transportation portions of the infrastructure bill. As a result, they are working to schedule an event with advocates across the state to do just that. We’ll share more about what comes from that meeting. We are working on a similar letter for MoDOT.

BikeWalkKC also recently joined the newly-formed Mobility Safety Advisory Group being organized with the National Safety Council. This will give us new opportunities to inform federal efforts to make our transportation system more equitable, safer, and more resilient to the effects of climate change.

Decriminalization + Complete Streets – We have been working with national researchers at places such as the Volpe Center to inform national consideration of legislative or programmatic options for non-traditional approaches to traffic enforcement.

We also had the opportunity to work with NACTO to publish a working paper entitled “Breaking the Cycle” which details how transportation officials can reevaluate aspects of bikeway enforcement. Click here to learn more.

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Even though we’re halfway through 2022, there is still plenty of work to be done. Advocacy is a team sport, and that means working with partners to build a culture of active living throughout the region. If you have any questions about this or our other advocacy efforts, please send us an email at policy@bikewalkkc.org

Did you know? BikeWalkKC’s advocacy efforts are member-supported! You can lend your voice to our work by becoming a member today. And get the latest on bicycle- and pedestrian-related happenings when you subscribe to our newsletter!

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