ADVOCACY ALERT: The Protected Bike Network plan hasn’t passed yet, and it needs your support

Update: The plan passed City Council on an 11-2 vote. Thank you to everyone who showed up at City Hall, sent an email, or made a phone call.

Take action:

  • Send an email to and to your councilmembers with “Support Ordinance 220318” in the subject line to share why a network of protected bike lanes is important to you. Deadline is Monday, April 18 at 4.
  • Attend a meeting about a proposed extension of the 27th Street bike lanes on Monday, April 18 from 6-7 p.m. (Microsoft Teams link here) and attend the Transportation, Infrastructure, and Operations Committee meeting on Wednesday, April 20 at 9 a.m. (Zoom link here).

Keep reading to see more details.

Advocate with us for a network of protected bike lanes in KCMO!

As part of efforts related to Vision Zero, the City of KCMO has been developing a plan to install 30 miles of protected bike lanes throughout the city. Thanks to your advocacy in two recent meetings, City Hall staff have finalized the plan and are ready to move forward!

Ordinance 220318 would allow the plan for this year to move forward and create a framework to guide the development of more bike infrastructure over the next five years! First year projects include:

  • Grand Boulevard
  • Oak Street
  • American Royal Drive
  • Longview Parkway
  • Truman Road
  • E. 27th Street, and more!

Check out the full list of projects in the ordinance, plus watch recordings from previous public meetings and see a map of the proposed network on KCMO’s Public Works webpage.

This is a very exciting development, but we need your help to ensure the plan is adopted. Here’s what you can do to help:

Send an email to with “Support Ordinance 220318” in the subject line expressing your support for the plan and how it could help you and your family. Be sure to send it by 4 pm on Monday, April 18.

Show up and speak out to support the protected bike lanes at two upcoming meetings:

  • A virtual public meeting about the 27th Street protected lanes is scheduled for Monday, April 18th from 6-7 p.m. The lanes currently extend from 4 blocks (from Gillham to Campbell), but the City hopes to extend them 3.5 miles out to Blue Valley Park. Join via Microsoft Teams or call in: 1-872-212-5076, phone conference ID: 414 927 027#
  • The City Council’s Transportation, Infrastructure, and Operations Committee will vote on the ordinance at their meeting on Wednesday, April 20th at 9 am at KCMO City Hall in the Council Chambers. Will you testify in support of the bike network plan? Attend in person or online via Zoom. If you have questions, email us at

Read more about Protected Bike Lanes and why BikeWalkKC advocates for this evidence-based strategy to get more people bicycling.

A true network of protected bike lanes is very close to becoming reality, but it won’t happen unless the City Council hears from you!


Posted in Advocacy, Bicycling, BikeWalkKC News, KCMO Central-South, Local, News, Northland, Planning and tagged , , , , , , , , .