Will KCMO build 30 miles of protected bike lanes? Only if they hear from you!

Update: KCMO City Council voted 11-2 to approve a five-year plan for protected bike lanes and a list of projects scheduled for construction in 2022.

Attend public meetings and reach out to your councilmembers in support of more connected and protected routes for 2022 and beyond!

When KCMO passed the Vision Zero resolution back in 2020, one of the proposed ideas to come out of that was an effort to build 30 miles of protected bike lanes. This spring, the city is taking real steps towards making that a reality.

In December, the City Council adopted an ordinance directing the city manager to develop a five-year plan for building new bike infrastructure. You can learn more about the plan by clicking here. That plan has finally come together and there are some major routes included:

  • Grand Boulevard Downtown
  • Oak Street, extending the Gillham/Oak cycletrack north from 19th Street to 12th Street
  • Lexington Avenue in the Historic Northeast
  • Truman Road from Downtown eastward
  • Hickman Mills/Prospect in South KC, and more!

The city will not build this network without community support. This is your chance to speak up and ensure these routes remain intact and that the full plan is adopted by the City Council. If the routes are adopted, this will create a dedicated process for the city to start building out a true network of connected and protected facilities for people who bike, ride scooters, use wheelchairs, and more!

What Can You Do?

Attend a public meeting
There will be two virtual public meetings where you can attend and provide feedback:

Monday, April 11th from 6-7 pm (Virtual Link Here)
Or join by phone: 1-872-212-5076, Phone Conference ID: 734 620 299#

Tuesday, April 12th from 12-1 pm (Virtual Link Here)
Or join by phone: 1-872-212-5076, Phone Conference ID: 457 455 518#

Speak up at the Transportation Committee
Join us in person on Wednesday, April 20th at 9 am on the 26th Floor of City Hall to speak up in favor of the plan. If you’re not able to attend, you can send an email to your councilmembers to ask them to support the plan. Use this link to find your councilmembers.

Getting this plan adopted will ensure the city has a clear path forward on where to build bike facilities now and in the future. We need your voice to get this process started.

Read more about Protected Bike Lanes and why BikeWalkKC advocates for this evidence-based strategy to get more people bicycling.

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