BikeWalkKC welcomes Amy Scrivner as Director of Development and Communications

Amy ScrivnerAmy Scrivner was studying women writers of the Victorian era when she had an epiphany that she wanted to work in service to her community. So she channeled her education and passion into her first non-profit job with the YWCA in Cincinnati, fundraising for domestic violence survivor assistance. Twenty years later, we are pleased to announce that Amy is BikeWalkKC’s new Director of Development and Communications.

Amy insists that she isn’t unique in her desire to serve: “I believe that 98% of the world wants to give back, and my job is to help match those people to the right cause.” When she introduces a would-be donor to “their” cause, she hopes to foster a life-long relationship. “Donors want to be active characters in the story of positive change,” she says.

In her new role at BikeWalkKC, Amy feels those relevant connections between her own life and our mission. While her husband Chris is the more ambitious cyclist, they enjoy riding their tandem bicycle together. And they have first-hand experience with the consequences of dangerous streets. “In order for me to do my best work, I have to believe wholeheartedly in what the organization does. Chris has been hit by drivers four times. This is not just a professional passion, but a personal one.”

Amy’s first day is January 15th, and she looks forward to meeting our members and stakeholders – virtually for now and soon in person.

Welcome to the team, Amy!

Amy and her husband Chris at the Paris-Brest-Paris ride in 2019.


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