Ways you can support Places for People right here, right now

Pick up the phone, type out an email, or write a letter: your voice is necessary to create the community you want to live in. When you speak up for the people, places, and ideas that you value most, you join the leaders and decision makers who decide what is important. Here are some ways you can participate in the local, regional, and national conversations today:

Kansas City, Missouri: 

Kansas City Metro:


What’s on your mind? Share what’s going on in your neighborhood at info@bikewalkkc.org.

If you are able, we hope you will consider becoming a member of BikeWalkKC. Memberships start at $10 and provide critical resources for us to continue our work in these uncertain times. Our members are a growing collection of voices speaking up and affirming that our streets are places for people! Click here to join.

Posted in Advocacy, BikeWalkKC News, equity, Local, Metro-wide, Planning and tagged , , .