The City of Lenexa has been working on a Complete Streets plan for multimodal connectivity, including future trails, bike lanes, and sidewalks. Tuesday evening, the City Council will hold a work session where city staff and the planning consultants will present the details of the plan. This is your opportunity to learn more and provide feedback!
Complete Streets presentation
Tuesday, September 10th at 7:00 pm
Lenexa City Hall
17101 West 87th Street Parkway
The full plan is available online here. Highlights include:
- Sidewalk gaps identified and prioritized for in-fill construction,
- Pedestrian Priority Areas established at major destinations and locations with identified safety challenges,
- Improved pedestrian crossings, especially major streets and connections to schools,
- Bike route network identified with a mix of on-street bike lanes and separated side paths on major streets, plus Bike Boulevards on low-traffic neighborhood streets,
- Dedicated pedestrian crossings of major bike/ped barriers like I-435,
- Updates to city ordinances and regulations for street design, subdivision standards, parking, and more.