3rd Annual KC Women’s Bike Summit on Saturday
After a great HamBINGO warm-up event last week, where many of you helped us raise almost $2,000 for the #womenbikekc initiative, we are excited for Saturday’s KC Women’s Bike Summit. This year we move to a new venue and add new group ride options. Pre-register online today, and don’t miss your chance to win a cool new bike!
Summer Initiatives Focus on Equity in Bike/Ped Education and Advocacy
This summer BikeWalkKC forged new partnerships with organizations serving communities that face disparities in access to transportation, recreation, and physical activity. Our mission is to redefine our streets as places for people to build a culture of active living, and we believe equity is a critical part of achieving our mission. We are grateful to our newest partners in this effort:
Rodgers Health: Youth bike education programs in two public housing communities in the Independence Avenue corridor, eventually expanding to include the whole family.
Hope Faith Ministries: Adult bike education and Earn-A-Bike for homeless individuals with critical transportation needs.
Operation Breakthrough: Bike education at one of the city’s largest daycare centers serving the urban core.
Get Ready for Walk to School Day on October 5th
International Walk to School Day returns on October 5th! Learn how your school can participate at walktoschoolkc.com.
Two New Bike Share Stations on the Way
Kansas City B-cycle, our bike share program, is growing again with two new stations being installed this month. New B-stations at the Kansas City Art Institute and on Cleaver II Boulevard east of the Plaza join the recently-installed station at Boulevard Brewing Company’s new visitor’s center and beer hall.
Red B-stations are joining the system in September.
Save the Date
KC Tweed Ride on November 5th
The Seventh Annual KC Tweed and Indeed returns on Saturday, November 5th. Save the date and stay tuned for registration opening on October 1st!
Confident City Cycling Classes in October
Our popular Confident City Cycling series returns for one more installment in 2016. Join us on Wednesday evenings in October for a safe and supportive place to learn bike handling skills, rules of the road, and other tips and tricks.
Learn more and sign up for Confident City Cycling.
Give Your Input on KCMO’s Bike Friendly Community Application
Kansas City, MO is in the process of getting re-certified as an official Bike Friendly Community by the League of American Bicyclists. The League wants to hear your thoughts on how bike-friendly KCMO is.
Take the survey and share your two cents.
A Look Back at the First Tour De Jazz
Thanks to everyone who made the first Tour de Jazz bike ride a success last month. Check out some photos from our newest event.
Karen Campbell is our new Development and Communications Director
Karen recently joined the BikeWalkKC team to lead our efforts to share our story with the world and to build a sustainable organization for the long haul. We are excited to bring her deep experience in fundraising and communications into the active transportation sector. Read more.
Join or Renew Your Membership
BikeWalkKC is a member-supported nonprofit and we rely on individuals like you to help us fight for your rights at City Hall, raise motorists’ awareness, educate the next generation, and make KC a better place to walk, bike, live, work, and play.