May is Bike Month!
Welcome to Kansas City Bike Month 2015! We’re excited to once again encourage new and experienced riders alike to have fun during May. In addition to BikeWalkKC favorites like Bike to Work Week, Bike to School Day, Tour de Bier, New Belgium Clips Film Tour, our community partners are hosting even more great evens like a Bike-In Movie, breakfast breaks on local trails, bike rodeos, and many more! Established in 1956, National Bike Month is a chance to showcase the many benefits of bicycling — and encourage more folks to giving biking a try.
Tell us why you ride! Share your bike month experience with us on social media using #KCBikeMonth. You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
(Psst! We still need some volunteers for Tour de Bier and New Belgium clips. If you hate free beer, these spots are not for you.)
Welcome Kristen Jeffers to the BikeWalkKC family
As BikeWalkKC grows and expands, our staff will grow with it. That’s why we’re stoked (spoked?) to welcome Kristen Jeffers to both Kansas City and BikeWalkKC as our new Communications and Membership Manager. Her role at BikeWalkKC and Kansas City B-cycle will include leading efforts to share our story, increase our engagement in the community, and grow our membership base.
Eric Vaughan Assumes Leadership of Lee’s Summit Livable Streets Advisory Committee
Our very own Kansas City B-cycle Program Manager recently became the newest chair of the Lee’s Summit Livable Streets Advisory board. This citizens commission leads the implementation of the Kansas City region’s first and most comprehensive Complete Streets policy.
Sidewalk improvements and bike lanes make news in the region
Slowly but surely, we are making progress to improve active transportation options for everyone. Sometimes we get big wins after lots of leg work — such as the Overland Park City Council approving a city-wide bike plan — and other times we see hard-fought baby steps — like a proposed road diet in Prairie Village. Stay on top of local advancements and our reactions to them on our news blog. Check out our most recent posts:
- Prairie Village Should Keep Mission Road Diet On The Table
- Overland Park Takes Huge Leap Toward Bike Friendliness With New Bike Plan
- Shop at Whole Foods’ New Olathe Store and Benefit BikeWalkKC
Meet the City Council Candidates
Another City Council election is coming up this summer, and BikeWalkKC is once again working to ensure that walking and biking are on the agenda of our elected leaders. This year we are teaming up with the KC Regional Transit Alliance to host a special candidate forum focused on transportation.
Join us at Union Station on May 11th.
Tour de Bier is so freaking close
It’s the preeminent beer-and-bike event of the year! This year, Tour de Bier features six local breweries, four food trucks, lots and lots of local sponsors, plus 1,200 of your newest bike-minded friends and countless liters of delicious biers. Online registration is open through May 8. Sign up now! We forgive you for procrastinating.
Biking not your thing? We need awesome people on two feet to help mark the route, setup and work at rest stops, and help out in other ways. Be a volunteer!
New Belgium Clips returns May 21st
Consider switching to monthly contributions to BikeWalkKC
What if we told you there was a way you could make your donation to BikeWalkKC even more amazing than it already is? Supporting BikeWalkKC with a monthly automatic donation helps sustain our year-round work to get you safer and more accessible places to walk and bike. A predictable budget helps plan events, programs, classes, outreach and more. Your investment in advocacy and education will pay off for years to come.
Setup a monthly contribution today.