New master plans for Midtown/Plaza neighborhoods

The City is embarking on a long overdue update to master plans for some of the region's most walkable and bikeable neighborhoods, providing a tremendous opportunity to speak up for better walking and bicycling. Some of the existing neighborhood plans are as old as 1989 (Country Club Plaza), or even 1972 (Westport!)  – the era when planners imposed suburban-style, car-centric redevelopment on our densest and most transit-rich communities.

NOTICE: Next round of neighborhood meetings is coming up in late October and early November!


The new Area Plan will update the land use, transportation, housing, economic development, and public improvements for the neighborhoods from 31st to 55th Streets, between State Line Road and The Paseo. This process will shape the future character of the neighborhoods for a generation or more.

BikeWalkKC is at the table on the steering committee to represent people who walk and bike, but we need you to have our backs. A strong show of public support will be key to getting the best plan possible.

  • Now is the time to make meaningful investments in biking and walking
  • Biking and walking should be equitably funded as part of the transportation system
  • Connect the city with safe and convenient ways to walk and bike between neighborhoods
  • Repurpose surface parking lots into places for people to live, work, and play
  • No more suburban, car-centric development in our urban neighborhoods
  • Design the built environment to encourage walking and biking

In the coming months you will have the opportunity to attend public meetings, join an online discussion, talk with the Mayor and City Council, and more.

Join BikeWalkKC's Midtown/Plaza mailing list

Participate in the discussion at MindMixer, the City's online forum for public input.

City Planning project web site.



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